
  • “As a first time mom, I had a difficult time finding and trusting the right people with our child. The staff at Magnolia Community completely put me at ease from the moment we stepped foot inside. The staff is incredibly knowledgeable, loving, and easy to approach. The school itself is a magical place designed to challenge your children in a variety of ways. There is always a new activity at school where I am surprised to see my daughter participating in. I can't tell you how much I have seen my toddler grow in the past few months. She is more social, more emotionally expressive, and learning about different concepts that I may not have taught her myself. The teachers are very attentive and communicate with parents frequently. The knowledge and experience of this staff makes me trust them completely. I am constantly asking for help with toddler issues like tantrums at home and how to correct unwanted behaviors. I feel more empowered now as a parent because of this school. While I love that this is a fantastic place for kids, it is equally an amazing place for parents to learn and grow as well. These teachers have become an invaluable resource to me as a parent and I cannot stress how much I love this school. Our family feels very lucky to be a part of this school!”

    -Leslie T.

  • “We watched our son blossom socially and emotionally while he was in the program. He became more confident, creative, and independent. He grew from a timid toddler in the beginning to a leader who helps younger children come out of their shells. His interests were fostered through play, special projects, and activities like music and art. We trusted the teachers to take great care of our child and give us valuable child-development insights. Most importantly, our son loved coming to school every day to have fun with his friends and teachers. The program brought our family so much joy and a true sense of community!”

    -Gennia C.

  • “One of the main reasons I chose magnolia community school for my child is their unique philosophy, which prioritizes teaching the ability to learn rather than just focusing on academics. This approach has been incredibly beneficial for my child.I am also impressed with the school's focus on social skills, which is an essential aspect of a child's development that is often overlooked in traditional academic programs.The teachers at this school are outstanding, and their dedication and passion for teaching are evident in everything they do. They are patient, caring, and always willing to go above and beyond to help my child.”

    -Yuan L.

  • “Magnolia community school has been such a blessing to our son and therefore to our family! We’ve seen our son thrive so much within the short time that he’s been there. It makes our heart fill with joy to know that he’s so happy and feels so appreciated and loved in this school that really feels like a family. We were referred from a friend that told us Todd’s reputation and really having a special gift working with children. They were right! Since Johnny has started, he’s had great teachers that all bring in unique gifts and qualities, and for my son to be surrounded by such wonderful people is all we can ask for.”

    -Pascale K.

  • “Our family has known Todd since our first born was still a baby (and she’s now in 3rd grade!).  We were so fortunate to have Todd and his staff leading our pod during the pandemic.  During such an uncertain time, Todd and all the teachers at the pod provided the much needed support not only to the children, but to all the parents as well.  His gave us parents the tools necessary to guide our children through the pandemic.  He gave us the knowledge so we can understand our children’s development, and therefore we are able to hold space for their growth.  I must say because of Todd and his team - my husband and I have become better parents to our girls - and the girls are thriving because of it. We can’t thank his team enough for everything they’ve done for our family!”

    -Rita B.

  • “We switched over to Magnolia Community Preschool from another well-known and established preschool in the area because of Todd Hioki.  Todd had a great reputation as a master of early childhood education and seeing it first-hand is believing.  Not only is Todd’s teaching evidence-based, we feel our daughter's natural curiosity and sense of discovery are nurtured in a fun and encouraging environment. The school has helped her blossom over the past year and tapped into her self-confidence and creativity.   For us, joining MCP is a journey of enlightenment, the school is a wealth of knowledge, and a resource to parents in learning how to deal with difficult early childhood situations.  Todd has a big heart as an educator; he is like a light carrier who inspires us to learn and to contribute better to the community. The knowledge we gain from him and other teachers are tremendous. The team with Todd, Heather, Leah, Sherrie, and Lucinda all have the same mindset as far as their teaching approach and they all have fun personalities. The kids love them and so do the parents. We are grateful to be a part of the MCP family and we can’t recommend this school enough to anyone that we come across.”

    -Flora C.

  • “We couldn’t have asked for a more magical, nurturing, and cherished experience at Magnolia Community Preschool.  First year of school is a huge change in a 2.5-year-old’s life.  It was critical that we find the right “second home” for Jayden.  Todd, Heather, Lucinda, the existing students and their families welcomed Jayden and our family to MCP.  We chose MCP because it offers unparalleled environmental for Jayden to grow emotionally, intellectually, and physically.  Jayden made leaps in developing social emotional skills through interactions with students and guidance from teachers.  We, as parents, also learned so much from the teachers on how to grow with our child and navigate emotional developments.  The program also offers thoughtfully curated activities that is intellectually and physically stimulating for the children.  We loved coming to school each day to see what “stations” the teachers have prepared.  The outdoor environment is also very unique and necessary to kids this age.”

    -Michelle L.

  • “Our daughter, Parker, joined the program in 2021. We previously attended Parent-Infant-Toddler training with Todd Hioki and found his coaching to be profoundly helpful. Parker thrived during the year she spent with Todd, Heather, Lucinda and the specialty teachers. Parker's experience was impacted both by the physical space and by the social emotional focus of the teachers. The space invites open-ended play, imagination, construction, gross/fine motor skills and frequent opportunities for interaction with other children. The teachers are ever present in the space, but not directive in their instruction. Students have time to discover the objects and supplies disbursed throughout the rooms and outdoor areas. They then self-direct their learning with the scaffolding and support of trusted grown-ups. This invitation to play encouraged Parker's self-confidence and sense of agency in her learning. The teachers are simultaneously masterful in their conflict resolution and emotional intelligence skill development. Parker has a confident, bold personality and we watched her empathy and awareness of others expand throughout the year. She has since transitioned to a program closer to our son's elementary school. Though more logistically convenient, the program is far less impactful for Parker. Her teachers consistently tell us she is the leader of her class. She begins whole class games, teaches play yoga and unapologetically declares her need for space when overwhelmed. A single year with Todd and the team did more for her than multiple years in other programs. We are grateful to have been a part of this learning community.”

    -Stephanie W.

  • “Our children started their early childhood education with Todd Hioki at the age of fifteen months. That journey largely continued with Todd for the next six years throughout their time in preschool. In that time, we navigated a pandemic together, as well as ALL of the ups and downs that accompany the first years of the parenting process. It's not uncommon to feel lost as a parent, and we often went to Todd with questions about how to handle a certain behavior, or how to navigate different situations. Todd was a constant resource to us as parents and I honestly do not know how we would have gotten through these important years without his guidance. As an example, when our son was three, he had real challenges feeling comfortable upon arrival to his preschool class. As children do when they feel overwhelmed, there was a lot of crying and a real difficulty in separating from Mom or Dad. Todd helped us navigate this situation with giving us advice to how to approach the situation specific to OUR son. We never got “cookie cutter“ advice from Todd. The routine he suggested worked, and by the middle of the school year, our son was not even looking back to say bye. Todd is the type of educator who gives his advice and it’s often, if not always, backed by his many years of research in early childhood education. Everything about the program Todd runs for kids is amazing. But it’s the insight, empathy, and expertise that Todd brings to the table which puts him on a different level from most early childhood educators. We have had many early childhood educators but always kept in touch with Todd for his guidance. Cannot recommend him and his faculty highly enough . We feel so fortunate to have Todd in our lives.”

    -Karina G.